- (People(Myself)People) Songtext
- ...at Home Songtext
- ...at Sound Spot Songtext
- ...at The Beach With Bruce Almighty Songtext
- ...on The LIE Songtext
- 2events1sound Songtext
- A Mets Fan's Fishbowl Songtext
- Ants/Humans/Something Else Songtext
- At This Moment, I Feel As If... Songtext
- Dear Diameter Songtext
- Driving Habits Songtext
- From The Outback Steakhouse Kitchen Window Songtext
- Fucking Sour Fruit Songtext
- Hard/Bran Language Songtext
- How I Make My Memories Songtext
- Indian Head Road Songtext
- Jackass, Drugs, And A Snake With No Feet Songtext
- Keep Saying Something You Won't Do Songtext
- Knowing Who I Am And What I Do, Obviously Songtext
- Meloncholy You're So Cute Songtext
- Pop Music Hating On Pop Music Songtext
- Resolution Revolution Songtext
- Rhubarb And Sarsaparilla Songtext
- Scratchy, Sour, Uncomfortable, Acceptable Songtext
- Selfish Animals, Selfless Actions Songtext
- Sick From Recovering (and) Sick Of Recovering Songtext
- Sleeping Like Skipping A Beat Songtext
- Sucking At Sleeping Songtext
- The Cure To Sleep(less) Songtext
- The Importance Of Changing Gears Songtext
- Thoughts On Stairs, Stars, Scars Songtext
- TMD Song Songtext
- Un-Us Songtext
- Way Too Often Contradicting Revelations Songtext
- What's a Waste of Time? Songtext
- Why Argue With Time? (and) Arguing With Time Songtext
- Yuck! Songtext
- Yuck! Again Songtext