...on The LIE Songtext

This cold weather, driving down unfamiliar roads
Coming home from school under a pitch grey sky
And a highway I haven't tried
Making wrong turns with no sense of direction
The clouds say it'll rain tonight

All these things should make me depressed
But I feel happy instead
And I never appreciated shitty weather more than I did then

And I keep driving that 12 miles back from my school
And I stay happy

This old system, loose joystick, sticky buttons
Knowing something better's just a drawer away
Yet I still try to play what's ten years aged
Realizing nostalgia's feelings we can't recreate
Oh hell, what's gone is gone

Maybe there is always something I could complain about
But I would rather sing about being happy about accepting that life's not perfect
And if life was perfect I'd sing about being happy about accepting life is perfect

Maybe life's not perfect, but at least I got my thoughts, body, and life to sing about