The Color Known As The Two Faced Person Amber Songtext
there is a color
a color more beautiful than rain
a color that when stared upon just right
eases all of ones pain
this color isnt red
nor is it blue or green
this color is the only color that cannot always be seen
it is in your head
it is in your veins
this color is everywhere
this color is a name
this name i speak of
the name i scream in vain
the name of someone very special
yet someone ive grown to hate
i hate this color
yet i love its effect on me
i love the way it soothes and eases one to sleep
i hate the way it wakes me up
in night this name creeps
it creeps right on in my mind
waking me from sleep
when i wake i lay and cry
this color
this name
makes me ask why
why do you hate me so much
why do you wish me to die
i hate this color
but i love to call the name
the name that causes the pain
and when this pain
this burning in my gut
becomes just too much
too much for me to bear
i simply find this color
the color more beautiful then the air
the air that provides me with this life
the air that strangles and suffocates until i die
its at this color i used to always stare
there was a time when i saw its beauty
it would simply wake me at night
and lie across from me
i would lie there
sit still in bed while processing this color through my head
then id say i love you
dont ever leave me
for without you id be dead
i need your life
your love
i need to breath your air
so have you ever seen this color
or called this name i speak of
have you ever known what its like to feel the warmth
a warmth ever so similar to that one is given from a drug
this color is so beautiful
i call her name in vain
i hate this goddamn color
your name means everything
i love you so much
you are what stops the rain
from falling on my head
from causing so much pain
but what do you do
when this color
your saviors name
is the one pounding on your head
causing you this pain
im torn into pieces
i dont know what is right
i dont know what choice to make because without you i lost my sight
you showed me what to do
you told me what to say
now your gone and forcing me to live my life day by day
forcing me to live miserably
forcing me to pay
pay a price for a color
or a name without a face
forcing me to pay for this light
this sight
this air
your forcing me to pay for all those times you cared
you never really cared
a color more beautiful than rain
a color that when stared upon just right
eases all of ones pain
this color isnt red
nor is it blue or green
this color is the only color that cannot always be seen
it is in your head
it is in your veins
this color is everywhere
this color is a name
this name i speak of
the name i scream in vain
the name of someone very special
yet someone ive grown to hate
i hate this color
yet i love its effect on me
i love the way it soothes and eases one to sleep
i hate the way it wakes me up
in night this name creeps
it creeps right on in my mind
waking me from sleep
when i wake i lay and cry
this color
this name
makes me ask why
why do you hate me so much
why do you wish me to die
i hate this color
but i love to call the name
the name that causes the pain
and when this pain
this burning in my gut
becomes just too much
too much for me to bear
i simply find this color
the color more beautiful then the air
the air that provides me with this life
the air that strangles and suffocates until i die
its at this color i used to always stare
there was a time when i saw its beauty
it would simply wake me at night
and lie across from me
i would lie there
sit still in bed while processing this color through my head
then id say i love you
dont ever leave me
for without you id be dead
i need your life
your love
i need to breath your air
so have you ever seen this color
or called this name i speak of
have you ever known what its like to feel the warmth
a warmth ever so similar to that one is given from a drug
this color is so beautiful
i call her name in vain
i hate this goddamn color
your name means everything
i love you so much
you are what stops the rain
from falling on my head
from causing so much pain
but what do you do
when this color
your saviors name
is the one pounding on your head
causing you this pain
im torn into pieces
i dont know what is right
i dont know what choice to make because without you i lost my sight
you showed me what to do
you told me what to say
now your gone and forcing me to live my life day by day
forcing me to live miserably
forcing me to pay
pay a price for a color
or a name without a face
forcing me to pay for this light
this sight
this air
your forcing me to pay for all those times you cared
you never really cared