Girl I'll Stop At Nothing Songtext

Can't tell the lumber from the trees?
Nor me
This pantomime
The sun is up, get off your knees
By now
For sure it must be bossa time

Girl, girl I'll stop at nothing
Girl, girl I'll stop at nothing
Girl, I'm sure there must be something?
Girl, girl I'll stop at nothing

One day when cobwebs turn to dust
And this is history
Our luck to live through times like these
It'll read... minus witty repartee - the perennial mystery

Girl, girl I'll stop at nothing
Girl, girl I'll stop at nothing
Girl, I'm sure there must be something?
Girl, girl I'll stop at nothing

Superman ain't what he seems
Empty promise, broken dreams
Sometimes heroes don't appear on screens
Or memes or god forbid... live streams

When all around is kind of dumb
Bad deeds in open sight
Ignore nobodies selling doom
You know soon... as with smouldering anthracite
Darkness must give way to light...

Girl, girl I'll stop at nothing
Girl, girl I'll stop at nothing
Girl, I'm sure there must be something?
Girl, girl I'll stop at nothing