- Sleeper
- Fine Art In Silver
- Diana
- Container Love
- Sleeper
- Fine Art In Silver
- Diana
- Container Love
- Satellite Man
- I Don't Need Your Summer
- Kill Your Ideals!
- Spin My Blood
- Patricia
- I Dedicate My Soul To You
- Cruising
- Sandy Lee
- Love Spread Around Me
- Get Terminated
- Standing Blinded On The Rooftops
- This Is Michael
- Happy Birthday
- Life After Being A Zombie
- Hyperactive Cracker
- My Sweet Devil In The Sky
- The Snake Has Fallen In Love
- Cyber Fame
- Screaming
- Rialto
- Pale Blue Eyes
- Deep Blue Vs My Spine
- The Great Unseen
- Miss Soho
- Don't Touch The Floor
Earthly Powers
(2018) -
Bleach House