- Platz: Bologna, Italia
- Bandmitglieder:
Mirko (Stimme-E-Bass), Mauro (Gitarre-Stimme), Bassa (Gitarre), Mr.Pinna (Schlagzeug), Nico (Perkussion)
- Genre: Hardcore , Punk
Bitter Sweet Taste Lips
Wrong Or Right
Something Different
Another Rainbow
- Bitter Sweet Taste Lips
- Wrong Or Right
- Something Different
- Another Rainbow
- Rusty Gray
- Upon The Shore
- Silent Mist
- Faces
- Old Shells
- Ego
- Silence
- Falling
- 7:43 Pm
- Everyday
- Who Doesen't Care
- Chess Piece
- Faces
- Rusty Gray
- Upon The Shore
- Silent Mist
- Old Shells
- Chess Piece
- Ego
- Something Different
- Wrong Or Right
(2004) -
Daily Attitudes