Croatia- Severina- moja stikla
Bosnië & Herzegovina- Hari Mata Hari-Lejla
Mariana Popova - let me cry (bulgarije)
Texas Lightning-no no never-2006-duitsland
- Croatia- Severina- moja stikla
- Bosnië & Herzegovina- Hari Mata Hari-Lejla
- Mariana Popova - let me cry (bulgarije)
- Texas Lightning-no no never-2006-duitsland
- Dima Bilan- Never Let you Go(Russia)
- Brian Kennedy - Every song is a cry for love (ierl
- LT United
- Silvia Nótt - congratulations (ijsland)
- Las Ketchup - Bloody Mary
- never never let you go (russia)
- if we all give a little
- Verenigd Koninkrijk – Daz Sampson – Teenage li
- Sandra Oxenryd - Through my window (Estonia)
- Daz Sampson - Teenage Life
- Anzej Dezan- mr. nobody (Slovenie)
- Anna Vissi- everything (griekenland)
- "MUM"
- LT United (litouwen) We're the winners
- Kate ryan- je t'adore (belgie)
- Verenigd Koninkrijk – Daz Sampson – Teenage li
- Texas Lightning-no no never-2006-duitsland
- Silvia Nótt - congratulations (ijsland)
- Sandra Oxenryd - Through my window (Estonia)
- never never let you go (russia)
- Mariana Popova - let me cry (bulgarije)
- LT United (litouwen) We're the winners
- LT United