Follow The Yellow Brick Road
Mind Destructive Species
- Follow The Yellow Brick Road
- 436
- Mind Destructive Species
- 723
- Inside Nowhere
- River Of Blood
- Subtil
- Linia 723
- 723 (Linia Dura)
- 832
- Mortul (The Dead)
- Outside Nothing
- Birds
- Punct De Vedere
- Cure For The Obscure
- Mortul
- LoSt forIpr
- B-Zdets
- AntidotForIdiot
- CuntUnderNose
- Mind Destructive Species
- Mortul (The Dead)
- Subtil
- 723 (Linia Dura)
- Punct De Vedere
- Linia 723
- Cure For The Obscure
- AntidotForIdiot
- LoSt forIpr
(2008) -
VX & Abnormyndeffect Split
(2007) -
Inside Nowhere - Outside Nothing - Demo