Oy Kao Tang (Go Ahead) Songtext

Mee ter yang nee, gor mee thae sia
With you here there's only irritation
Mee thae seum, mee thae seng
Only dullness, only clamor
Ying hen ying na bua
The more I see, the more bored I get
Laew chun ja kid ja clear gub ter
Then I thought I should clear things up with you
Chun gor glua tum hai ter thong chum jai thai
But I was afraid I would hurt you to death
Lung lay yoo nan
I just remained hesitant for a long time
Thae ma wunnee ter gor ma kuey gub chun
But today, you came and talked to me
Wa kid ja la jahk
Telling me you were saying Good Bye
Pbai eng yang nee, unnee gor flook
You leaving on your own is my luck
Thong korb koon, sa jai, sa jai, sa jai
So I should thank you, How satisfying...
* Oy kao tang, ao leree tham sabai
Oh go ahead, at your own comfort
Gor reep reep leree, dee arai yang nun
Hurry on, this is great
Oy chob jung, pben pbai tham thong garn
I'm really liking this, it turned out just as I wanted
Lae laew loke gor sanook muen derm
Now the world will be pleasant as before
* * Jer krai gor yim, mai jer gor yim
I smile at anybody I see, I smile even when no one is around
Oy sodsai proa wunnee ja mai mee ter eek
Everything's brighter because today you're gone
Doo ngai gor dee, ja gin gor dee
Everything looks better, I eat better
Non gor dee, tum arai gor hen pben dee
I sleep better, everything is better
*** Tong fa gor fa gor doo ying dee
The sky seems prettier the more I look at it
Lom gor yen, mong tang nai mun cheun jai pbai mod
The breeze is cooler, everything I look at seems more pleasant
Ter pbai jahk chun unnee gor flook
You leaving me is my own luck
Thong korb koon, sa jai, sa jai, sa jai
And I should thank you, How satisfying...
* / ** / *** / * 2 times