Carrying No Cross Songtext


Been wrong so many times before
I Was always laying down the law
And all attractions were a bore
They led me back to you

Uniforms were an allergy
They never felt quite right to me
They conjured wartime Germany
And God knows we need that

Temptation boundaries will never know
The time when my morale was low
The circumstances always show
The place was yours or mine

Carrying no cross before me
No prize to idolize, no story
To hell of adolescant glory
Just void

Empty spaces nothing to show
No point of reference or place to go
But one thing I'd ignored and so
The light came shining through

[Instrumental Section]

Been wrong so many times before
Was always laying down the law
One thing you cannot ignore
Bad boys can come clean

Emotions I could not control
Illuminate my heart and soul
I saw a light, I scored a goal
And what price peace of mind?