Stick And Stones (Words End Up Hurting Me More) Songtext

Once I felt comforted by a blind man's tears,
Only when no one else was watching.
The sky is more then wallpaper
Over our heads;
It's Shatterproof
Splintered smiles cut likes glass,
Another reason to be lonely.
Hands are known
to hang theirselves;
An act of independence at it's greatest.
Rip this page from you recollection,
Smash all the burden.
Fuck all the glances.
Run into wires for me.
Once I felt comforted by a blind man's tears,
Only when no one else was watching.
The sky is more then wallpaper
Over our heads;
It's Shatterproof
Stick and Stones may break my bones
But words end up hurting Me more....