My Last Midnight Songtext

I WILL REMAIN. After tonight, I want simply to live for whatever brief future I have left. You are the one ~ YOU ARE THE ONE ~ who taught me, dearest one, WHAT STRENGTH of will means, especially when it springs from sources like ours.I have struggled for the just and the good, for the betterment of the world. I promise you now as I say farewell ~ FAREWELL ~ that until the last instant I will give you no reason to be ashamed of me. Please understand, preparing for death doesn't mean giving up but knowing how to confront it when it arrives ~ So many things could still happen in the mean time. I will remain firm and determined to live until the last moment ~ Until the LAST MOMENT. I've already gone back to dreaming, as I do every night, forgetting that this is to say goodbye ~ FOr this reason I will not be able to think about the things that torment my heart ~ THINGS DEARER TO ME THAN MY OWN LIFE.

My Last Midnight Video

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