Idiot Crowd Songtext


idiot crowd,
idiot crowd...

Welcome to my acid tongue,
perservious one,
the truth is undone,

Your ebony is set, you never would be,
dont look at me.

Sequencing how your kiss is moving,
whispering tho you'll never prove me wrong,
our love is gone, is gone,
our love is gone.

Idiot crowd, idiot crowd,
your just part of the idiot crowd.
so full of junk, painfully loud,
your just part of the idiot crowd.

Welcome to my point of view,
no i dont hate you,
but you make it easy...

now the truth is come undone,
the spiders web is spun,

such delicious fun..

Idiot crowd.. idiot crowd.. idiot

Idiot Crowd Video

Idiot Crowd Video play