Falling Down Songtext

Something to remember me by...
Something to place in your hand...
Something so you feel all grown up
When you call my name...
I'm falling down...I'm falling...
I don't know when I'll be up.
When I call, please remember...
Frozen like stone,
You'll be flesh and blood...
I'll be gone...
Just a memory passing
Like pages in a book.
I'm falling down...I'm falling...
I'm falling, don't know if I'll get up...
You're a boy...you'll be gone...
You're a boy...
I know you'll be...
Can't guess your side...
Oh no, the cry of a newborn child...
Can't feel the heat of something fresh comin...
Can somebody hide me...
I can't apolo-...I can't apolo-...
I can't apologize...