Take It Outside Songtext

Take it outside to the great outside
Out beyond the backyard gate
Take it outside, I mean way outside
Past the broken seal of fate
Take it outside, way outside
Where there are no trespassing signs
Take it outside where there are no claims
No names on dotted lines
Take it outside to the great outside
Out beyond the yellow sky
Take it outside to a place where even
Seagulls dare not fly
Take it outside, past the men
Who walk in outer space
Take it outside, beyond the grasp
Of gravity's firm embrace
Take it outside, take a ride
Beyond the confines of our trust
Take it outside, forget your pride
Use the window if you must
Take it outside, way outside
Past the bars and the wire mesh
Take it outside past the guards
In the guntower
Of this prison of our flesh
Take it outside, you can't keep it in here
Just get that thing out of this joint
Take it outside and drag it down the drive
To the curbside pickup point
Take it outside to the man who handles
The cans and the bags and the bins
Who lays it on the landfill beyond the place
Where we suffer for our sins