Don't You Stop Songtext

Hey Guy Don't you stop
My dream mi fantasie
it's on teh masscare
evrything see baby on me
im nervos but you hold me
good a taste whas i what i got
Ref:Don't stop me and you
for teh nation all of you
a big tase of a naturally
bring me to you
Don't stop everything dath
ii think my mother it's evry back
no i give it to you and giv it not back
Hey guy you dreams are me
somtimes do thes like me above
a tase of you guy some make
me to feel shine on youu oohhhh
A big tase of you bring me to you
A big A big A big A big ohh guy
let's go if it as like you shoel
right now it's good if it that like
you shoot