You've Got To Be Fucking Shitting Me Songtext

Sugar telephones at twelve o'clock

Says she's pulling up around my block

And would I like to drive to the coast

Through hiccuped sighs

I asked her once why she has to climb

Behind the wheel when she starts to cry

Said it's the only thing that calms her down

And I let it slide

She pulls over without warning

For a six pack at one o clock in the morning

We've only been out an hour, girl

You've got to be fucking shitting me

We go speeding through a sleeping town

Bottles up and the windows down

Sugar, please put your seat belt on

And she laughs at me

"If I liked being told what to do,

I'd have brought my dad along instead of you"

I put my seat back and drifted off

As Kate Bush sang

And dreamed as the dawn set in

We drove straight through armageddon

And when we finally reached the ocean, there was nothing left

We cooed at the howling darkness

As white lights showered down upon us

Spaceships all around now

You've got to be fucking shitting me

I awoke as we approached the coast

The rising sun chased away the ghosts

I really should have stayed awake

'Cause now I feel like shit

Sugar weaves the car along the cliffs

And jerks the wheel for the fun of it

"Would you please put your seatbelt on"

And she laughs, but listen here...

I'll be the one laughing

Shockwaves shooting through the mountains

The coastline's in the shadow of a giant wave

Cruise liners capsizing

As planes crash along the horizon

And I'm the one buckled in

Girl, you've got to be fucking shitting me