To Give Songtext

From the moment we're born
First thought is to take, we feed our face
We eat, we breathe, we sleep, we dream
And when we don't get we need
Well then we cry, we kick, we scream
We'll try every and anything
Bring the attention where it belongs back to me

From the moment we wake each day,
We crave the easy way
We booze caffeine or nicotine
Anything to fill the need
Like money does, bright lights, big bling
We'll try everything and anything as long as it's for me

What if we flipped a switch and be unselfish?
What if you called a friend just to see how he is?
We all could use a lift without Pretenses
What if your first thought was not to take but just to give

Until the moment were gone
Were stuck in between what we need and want
We eat, we pray, we love, we speak
Sometimes we don't feel a thing
Then other times, we hurt, we bleed
We'll try everything and anything, it's all about me

And how the simplest of thoughts could be so hard
This isn't who we really are


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