Protestant Art Songtext

No more decoration

No more piss Christs

Or donkey shit virgins

In the next life

No more tax on hard-working citizens

To finance these abominations

O the shakers from Shakerville are here

Quakers and puritans appear

Smiting Sodomites with a mighty rod

Bringing Protestant art direct from God

A gallery like a church

Woods of pine and birch

A protestant artist is at work

Improving minds

And through the wood

An icy wind whistles through the pines

The lord is coming down now, we must show

How we've been investing, if we've reached his goals

You never know tomorrow may be your tax control

The Lord is an accountant, an accountant of souls

Don't practice deceit, keep your receipts, keep your receipts

For the shakers from Shakerville are here

Quakers and puritans appear

Smiting Sodomites with a mighty rod

Bringing Protestant art direct from God

The seamstress is making a little girl's dress

She stitches the seams with little grey threads

Frigid and severe, she sits and sighs

She's got a grey room, she's got grey eyes

O the shakers from Shakerville are here

Quakers and puritans appear

With a righteous heart they go before

To bring Sodomites and art within God's law

Oh the shakers from Shakerville are here

Quakers and puritans appear

Spouting gibberish at Sodomites they meet

Righteous with the arrogance of the meek

Are you justified, are you qualified

What's your salary, will you pass the gates of God's great art gallery when you've died

I've seen what's in your diary

Can you honestly tell me you are perfectly normal?

The lord is coming down but I don't care

You'll never break my spirit, you'll never raise my hair

Human creativity is all right by me

Ron Athey, Chris Offili, Karen Finlay

But the shakers from Shakerville are here

Quakers and puritans appear

Invincible for God is at their side

Their maker, art critic and guide

Oh the puritans are marching bravely on

Keeping America strong

Smiting Sodomites with a mighty rod

Bringing Protestant art direct from God

Invincible for God is at their side

Their maker, art critic and guide