Elves Sing La La La Songtext

I'm timin' diamonds in my face what have you done where do you stop
A frightning action of my limbs become so heavy and so slow

A crystal labyrinth that curves into the sky
You wander corridors that's coursing through your mind

It's a never ending field a dream of shape and sound and song
And it's feeling like a sequence that's gone on for much too long

Oh, paper tiger burning bright beneath the curtains of my skin
you claw my eyes you tear my throat you make a cheshire of my grin
The most mundane of things become the most absurd
you watch the stagehands rearrange the furniture

It's a never ending field a dream of shape and sound and song
And it's feeling like a sequence that's gone on for much too long

La la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la la

Elves Sing La La La Video

Elves Sing La La La Video play