Al Citofono Era Anthony Hopkins (It Was Anthony Hopkins At The Buzzer) Songtext
L'eco confuso e distorto dei tuoi spettri soffoca ogni grido e ogni mio piá¹ intimo desiderio di spegnermi per sempre. La solitudine ᨠil prezzo che dobbiamo pagare per essere nati in questa epoca moderna, cosᬠpiena di libertá , indipendenza ed egoistica affermazione di sᨠstessi.
English translation:
The confused and distorted echo of your phantoms Suffocates every scream and all my most intimate desires of ceasing forever. Solitude is the price we have to pay For being born in these modern times, So full of freedom, independence and selfish statement of ourselves.
English translation:
The confused and distorted echo of your phantoms Suffocates every scream and all my most intimate desires of ceasing forever. Solitude is the price we have to pay For being born in these modern times, So full of freedom, independence and selfish statement of ourselves.