Rock me in the cradel of love Songtext


Rock me in the cradel of love oh Lordy!

Rock me in the cradel of love.

Help me to walk in your holy spirit,

Rock me in the cradel of love

Rock me in the cradel of love oh Lordy!

Rock me in the cradel of love.

Lighten my load and ease my burden,

Rock me in the cradel of love


Now I´ve been in the storm so long.

Rock me in the cradel of love

I thaught that all my hope was gone.

Rock me in the cradel of love

Then you came and rescued me.

Rock me in the cradel of love

Your precious love has set me freee

Rock me in the cradel of love!


Rock me in the cradel of love oh Lordy!

Rock me in the cradel of love.

Help me to walk in your holy spirit,

Rock me in the cradel of love

Rock me in the cradel of love oh Lordy!

Rock me in the cradel of love.

Lighten my load and ease my burden,

Rock me in the cradel of love


Devils knocking at my door

Rock me in the cradel of love

Talking to me more and more.

Rock me in the cradel of love

Then lightning flashed and thunder rolled

Rock me in the cradel of love

Then Lord, you safed my sin sick soul.

Rock me in the cradel of love!


Rock me in the cradel of love oh Lordy!

Rock me in the cradel of love.

Help me to walk in your holy spirit,

Rock me in the cradel of love

Rock me in the cradel of love oh Lordy!

Rock me in the cradel of love.

Lighten my load and ease my burden,

Rock me in the cradel of love


Thank you father now I see

Rock me in the cradel of love

Your heav´nly light shine down on me.

Rock me in the cradel of love

Now you´re my sheld, my sheltring wing.

Rock me in the cradel of love

Lord, you're my all,my evrything!

Rock me in the cradel of love!

Rock me in the cradel of love Video

Rock me in the cradel of love Video play