Gap Of Ginnungs Songtext
In the beginning there was nought but distant past
There was nothing... nothing but a yawning Gap
A great emptiness — unending formless and void
No up, no down
No light, no darkness
No North nor South
No East nor West
No sound... nor silence
A chasm bound on either side by fire and ice
Nifelheim - of terrible cold and darkness
Muspelheim - of unbearable heat and flame
Ginnungagap — Gap of Ginnungs
Ginnungagap — "Of old... was the Age"
Ginnungagap — Gap of Ginnungs
Ginnungagap — The Primeval Void, the Pre-creation Time
From flesh to Earth
From bone to Mountain
From skull to Heaven ...of the frost cold Giant
From Blood — river and sea
From teeth and bone — shattered rocks
Boulders and stone ...of the frost cold Giant
Muspelheims sparks made their way into the Gap
And met with the ice of Nifelheim
From melting poison drops — Ymer and Audbumbla formed
Emergence of structure
Reformed and life was born
Reformed... and life was born
Ginnungagap - Gap of Ginnungs
Ginnungagap - "Of old... was the Age"
Ginnungagap - Gap of Ginnungs
Ginnungagap - The Primeval Void the Pre-creation, Time
There was nothing... nothing but a yawning Gap
A great emptiness — unending formless and void
No up, no down
No light, no darkness
No North nor South
No East nor West
No sound... nor silence
A chasm bound on either side by fire and ice
Nifelheim - of terrible cold and darkness
Muspelheim - of unbearable heat and flame
Ginnungagap — Gap of Ginnungs
Ginnungagap — "Of old... was the Age"
Ginnungagap — Gap of Ginnungs
Ginnungagap — The Primeval Void, the Pre-creation Time
From flesh to Earth
From bone to Mountain
From skull to Heaven ...of the frost cold Giant
From Blood — river and sea
From teeth and bone — shattered rocks
Boulders and stone ...of the frost cold Giant
Muspelheims sparks made their way into the Gap
And met with the ice of Nifelheim
From melting poison drops — Ymer and Audbumbla formed
Emergence of structure
Reformed and life was born
Reformed... and life was born
Ginnungagap - Gap of Ginnungs
Ginnungagap - "Of old... was the Age"
Ginnungagap - Gap of Ginnungs
Ginnungagap - The Primeval Void the Pre-creation, Time