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Hey Ed!
The bands about to start!
I'm coming, I'm coming! Let me grab the shotgun.
Hurry up peoples waitin'!

What you say i do now?
I like to think so
Then I get confused now
When you say no
Farmin's what you wanted
It's what you told me
I haven't made it got it
but then you told me

I want
I don't know
What I should do
Let me tell you one thing

Life should be sold in
All next to nothing
With a whole lotta' feelin'
My mind starts a breathing
And I hope i'm gonna make it
I hope you wanna save me
Cuz the only way
I do just what
I wanna do
I never thought
The only way
To say guess what
I wanna say
Will rip my life away-ee!


-Crowd Yehaws-

What you say you do now
I like to think so
Let's get confused now
When you say no
Call it what you want it
It's what you told me
I haven't really got it
But then you told me

I want
I don't know-now
What i should do
Let me tell you one thing

Life should be sold in
All next to nothing
With a whole lotta' feelin'
My mind starts a breathing
And I hope i'm gonna make it
I hope you wanna save me
Cuz the only way
To do just what
I wanna do
I never thought
The only way
To say guess what
I wanna say
Will rip my life away-ee!

was that purty?

Hey Ed!
What you doin'?!
I'm sitting over here having a cob of corn!
Well come on over here we gotta talk to these people for a second!
All you people out there in Radio Land.
All you lalli livered yella' belly'ed.... uh...
What do you call them things Ed?
Chicken Turds!
-Laughing-Chicken turds.
What in the hell in god's name is a chicken turd?
We can't be havin' this.