The Pancake Song Songtext

I can feel you on my back.

Shut up.

You are made of tiger skin.

I said shut up.

And when they come to your house...

Shut up!

They make pancakes.

Shut up!

They make pancakes.

Shut up!

They make pancakes on...

Shut the fuck up!

Your stove...

Shut up!


Shut up!

They need butter.

They already ate it!

They need batter.

Shut the fuck up!

They need gas and a lighter.

Shut up!

And a pan!

I don't have it!

To make pancakes!

I don't want no fucking pancakes!

They will come to your house and they make pancakes!


They are delicious.


They are nutritious.

No they're not!

They have maple syrup on the top of them.

I don't like maple syrup!

Sometimes you eat them with a fork.

I always eat them with a fork!

When all the forks are dirty you eat them with a spoon.

I would just wash another fork!

And you scoop up all the syrup.

I don't like it!

From the pancakes.

Shut up!

They come to your house and they make pancakes.

I don't want no fucking pancakes!