Pool Party Songtext

Just a couple of kids, growing up around here
Doing stupid stuff, year after year,
Getting into trouble sneak around the block
But we didn’t care cause we never got caught
Now it's work all day, working all week long
Friday, Friday, here we come,
Work is done, and got shit to do,
Let’s chill out back and Barbecue

Texts and calls, blowing up my phone,
There’s a party going on
Alright bet we gon’ make our way,
Gonna pick up all the girls and grab a case
Rollin' ten deep, man we can’t go wrong,
They got a hundred cars parked on the lawn
They got people coming by shuttle bus
Oooo, this party’s gonna be ridiculous

Got no idea, who’s house is this,
But now we’re here and we’re pumping fists
They got a keg, pool in back
All I know is that we’re kicking ass!
It’s a pool party,
Yeah and everything’s fucking great
I had a hope this night never, never ends
You know tonight we’re gonna win win win
Everybody’s going in.

Take off your shirt, take off your shoes
This party’s on like a drunkin’ zoo
500 people all around the pool,
Get a video of me, jumping off the roof,
The music pumping bass is thumping
The whole house shaking cause the crowd is jumping,
I found more booze and we’re ready to go,
Oo watch out fire on the patio,

They got bubble baths coming out the hot tub
And there’s people all puking on the Persian rug
My turn.
Chug chug chug
I’m on a raft I don’t give a fuck
Two chicks in the shower, making out,
People passed out cold drooling on the couch,
We’re gonna go all night cause there ain’t no doubt.
That this is what it’s all about


Man, this is what I’m talking about, right here,
All of us together, sipping that hooch, and talking smack
"I am gonna climb Mount Everest"
No dude, no, you’re not...
Anyway, what I’m trying to say is, I have to be at work in two hours,
And I don’t care you know, things like that they don’t matter, not tonight,
Cause one day, when we’re all old with kids an stuff, we’re gonna look back at this moment,
Right here, right now, when no matter what else was happing in our lives,
When the time came, and some dude threw a pool party, we showed up and we did it right,
Now I’m gonna throw this guys microwave in the pool.
Yeah! 1-2-3 go!