Why Don't You Like Me? Songtext

[includes quotes from Marche Funebre (Chopin) and Billie Jean (Jackson)]

[Bushnell Memorial Hall, Hartford
February 17, 1988
Syria Mosque, Pittsburgh
February 25, 1988
Tower Theater, Upper Darby, PA
February 12, 1988
Auditorium Theatre, Chicago
March 3, 1988]

"He's white, Jim . . . "

Why don't you like me?
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you like me?
Am I really that bad?

"I think you're a jerk! I'm moving from you!"
"Make me a sandwich."
"Moving to Venice."
"I'll be black."
(Jack! What?)
"Still white, Jim . . . "

I hate my mother
I hate my father
I AM my sister . . .
And Jermaine is a negro!

"I thought he looked good - what happened to you?"
"Please read this pamphlet."
"I'm so BAD!"

You take the monkey, I'll take the llama,
We'll have a party: get me a Pepsi -
Michael is Janet, Janet is Michael -
I'm so confused now -
Who is Diana?

He's oxygenated
His nose is deflated
And he thinks he looks good to you
He thinks he looks good to you

Ike: Oh, I'm sorry . . .
FZ: This is supposed to be the part where I . . . name people who are not . . . related in any particular way to . . . Michael Jackson . . . so . . . oh, let's see now, who could it be . . . uh . . . What's your name . . . ? His name is Bob? Bob is not the illegitimate son of Michael Jackson, take it from me . . .

Billy Jean is not Mr. Bob
Arnold Silvestri . . . (Ha ha ha!)
Billy Jean isn't Arnold Silvestri
Jeanne Kirkpatrick . . .
Billy Jean is not Kirkpatrick
Lando Calrissian . . .

Give me oxygen
Give me oxygen
Give me oxygen
Box o' turds

FZ: That's right, a box o' turds