Los Angeles Songtext

The city is cold half of the year

it makes me feel old

and fear fall asleep at the wheel

cause I'm driving to get away from here

there's gold

solid gold to be found

enough to go around

it's never cold never cold

the sun keeps you young

and you never grow old

los angeles California

close to the coast

we'll be together

there's angels in California

to cut your face up

and tape it back together

to break your teeth

and replace them in perfect weather

cut up your eyes and they won't think twice

tuck you in

a nice grin

keep you thin

keep your sins

los angeles California

I'm comin' for ya'

there angels in California

close to the coast

and we'll be together

los angeles CA

you're so beautiful today

one in a million

just like you and me and everyone else

can you feel it

a star crossed lover's tale where every other fails

where every other fails

los angeles California

I'm comin' for ya'

there's angels in California

close to the coast

and we'll be together

stick with what you know

drink champagne and let go

los angeles California

I'm comin' for ya'

there's angels in California

close to the coast and we'll be together