Ogni mio gesto (all of my gestures) Songtext
La sua voce si rincorreva. Io, immobile, nel centro: "Non è così che stanotte dormirai". Perchè quello che avevamo davanti allora non sarebbe più stato se non un segno scavato nella coscienza, una presenza ineludibile. Ho sezionato ogni mio gesto, ho pesato ogni mia parola, ma le differenze mi allontanavano dal ricordo di chi fossi. Mi dissi: "Notte, fa' che diventi notte anch'io". A nulla è servita la mia nuova lucidità. Le sue risa erano più forti delle mie. Minuto dopo minuto, una nuova alba svaniva.
The voice was running after itself. Me, motionless, in the middle: "This is not the way you'll sleep tonight". Because what we had in front of us then wasn't going to be anything but a mark carved in our conscience, an unavoidable presence. I've dissected all of my gestures, I've weighed all of my words, but the differences kept turning me away from the memory of who I was. I told myself: "Night, let me become night too". My new lucidity turned was useless. That laughing was louder than mine. Minute after minute, a new dawn was fading.
The voice was running after itself. Me, motionless, in the middle: "This is not the way you'll sleep tonight". Because what we had in front of us then wasn't going to be anything but a mark carved in our conscience, an unavoidable presence. I've dissected all of my gestures, I've weighed all of my words, but the differences kept turning me away from the memory of who I was. I told myself: "Night, let me become night too". My new lucidity turned was useless. That laughing was louder than mine. Minute after minute, a new dawn was fading.