Cautionary Fairytale Songtext

There was a man on my door step
He said, Son, you best wake up
There's a great wind a-comin'
Once it blows, it won't let up

Well, I was young and naive
Said, I appreciate you comin' round
But I got a house made of brick here
Ain't no wind gonna bring it down

He left just as he came
As if he was never here
And I went, I went on livin'
Half concerned, without fear

Well, I loved her like a fairy tale, I lost her like a dream
Pull up on the roadside there and I'll tell you what I mean
There's things in life you can't control and things you can't foresee
But if you find real love, don't ever let her leave

When I awake, oh, her pillow
Lays alone on the sheets
The wind was relentless
Snatched her up like a thief

I sat up on my bedside
No more loving, no more grief
Just as sure as the sun rises
She went up, and took off on me

Try to think, there's a lesson
I got my Stetson down over my eyes
That man, he was a visionary
He saw something and he was right

And now these big thoughts go up buzzing
Around my fragile brain
I'm just so, so damn lonely
So I sing this here refrain

Well, I loved her like a fairy tale, I lost her like a dream
Pull up on the roadside there and I'll tell you what I mean
There's things in life you can't control and things you can't unsee
But if you find real love, don't ever let her leave
Don't ever let her leave

Don't you ever let her leave