I'm Outlived By That Thing? Songtext

I threw out a stupid common paperweight
And it went out into the country
To a place where other solid objects lie around
Well, it's quite hard, and so it's probably still there
And when I die, it will still be somewhere

Ha-ha, I'm outlived by that thing and stupid things like that

A man once took a very famous photograph
Went in books and even lectures
Said it was a monster in the old Loch Ness
Before he died, his wife gave him a backrub
He confessed his lie, he took the picture in the bathtub

Ha-ha, he's outlived by that thing and stupid things like that

Scientists have recently just found out
About a fish they didn't know of
That lives along the bottom of the darkest seas
It doesn't need eyes, it's been there a long while
Since back in the times of giant flying reptiles

Ha-ha, I'm outlived by that thing and stupid things like that
Ha-ha, I'm outlived by that thing and stupid things like that
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