Let's Have Another Round Of Applause For The American Empire! ... And The Final Words Are Yours, Sam Katz Songtext

I'm breathing your air, Sam Katz.
And by the time we've forgotten your name,
My second tongue will grow and so
Will my seventh toe.

I know, it's not easy running a city, a business and a baseball team today.
And so, it's probably best to kill some people with your poison spray,
They're only gonna protest the city summit anyway.

I'm laughing my ass off, Sam,
At those hippies in Wolseley taking a stand.
Banjo-pickin' on the front porch,
Patchouli-stinkin' up the town.
Sam, get the cannons, let's take 'em down! Let's take 'em down!

I know, it's not easy running a city, a business and a baseball team today.
And so, it's probably best to kill some people with your poison spray,
They'll just protest the private garbage company anyway.

I know it's so hard to run a city and a baseball team today.
And so, it's probably best to kill some people with your poison spreay,
Who needs the charging-bison-hating hippies anyway?

Let's Have Another Round Of Applause For The American Empire! ... And The Final Words Are Yours, Sam Katz Video

Let's Have Another Round Of Applause For The American Empire! ... And The Final Words Are Yours, Sam Katz Video play