Beautiful Songtext

Ugly is good
Plain is even safer
As long as you don't notice her
She'd rather be extremely under-rated
Than let you see what she's really worth

But inside there's a butterfly
Who won't sit still though she denies

He has made her beautiful
For all the world to see
She's a crowning creature of creation
Wrapped in mystery

So many women
Are running from their beauty
They clothe their fears in drab and dim
But if we believe God has made us in his image
Then how is our hiding gonna glorify him?

When inside there's a butterfly
Who won't sit still though we deny

He has made us beautiful
For all the world to see
We are crowning creatures of creation
Wrapped in mystery

He has made us beautiful
For this kicked round broken down world to see
We are crowning creatures of creation
Wrapped in mystery