Day By Day Songtext

Even when I'm at my worst, I am still of righteous birth
Covered by a saving grace
Past, present, future debt erased
My heart is changing day by day

When I run like wild fire, I am still a ransomed child
Bought with blood spilt on a tree
Sin, death, they have no hold on my
My will is changing day by day
Day by day by day

What I once desired for is not what I desire more
Heart of stone turned into flesh
Love, joy, peace taking over the mess
It's all I'm wanting day by day

I am not who I was, now I am who I am
A sinner saved, a stumbling saint
Still I'm never alone, He's alive in my bones
The ghost of God sanctifies

Day by day by day

I don't always believe that I'm even a saint
Justified with new life but I'm never the same
When I remember the gift of His grace
Builds my faith

No, I'm not who I was, now I am who I am
A sinner saved, a stumbling saint
Still I'm never alone, He's alive in my bones
The ghost of God sanctifies

Day by day by day

Day By Day Video

Day By Day Video play