As I Roved Out Songtext

"And who are you me pretty fair maid and who are you me honey?
Who are you me pretty fair maid and who are you me honey?"
She answered me quite modestly, "I'm me mothers'darling"
With me toor ay ah faddle diddle da, diri dal diddle derrio.
"And will you come to me mother's house, when the moon is shining clearly?
Will you come to me mother's house, when the moon is shining clearly?
I'll open the door and I'll let you in and divil the one did hear us."
So I went to her house in the middle of the night when the moon was shining clearly.
Oh I went to her house in the middle of the night when the moon was shining clearly.
She opened the door and let me in and divil the one did her us.
She took me horse by the bridle and the bit and she led him to the stable.
Oh she took me horse by the bridle and the bit and she led him to the stable.
"And there's plenty of oats for the soldier's horse to eat them if he's able."
And she took me by the lily white hand and she led me to the table
She took me by the lily white hand and she led me to the table.
Saying,"There's plenty of wine for the soldier boy, so drink it if you're able"
Then I got up and I made the bed and I made it nice and easy.
Oh then I got up and I made the bed and I made it nice and easy.
I got up and I laid her down saying, "Lassie, are ye able?"
And there we lay till the break of the day and divil the one did hear us.
Oh and there we lay till the break of the day and divil the one did hear us.
Then I arose and put on me clothes saying,"Lassie, I must leave you."
"And when will you return again and when will we get married?
And when will you return again and when will we get married?"
"When broken shells make Christmas bells, we might well get married."
Dies Lied gibt es in diversen Varianten.
Alle Varianten haben eins gemeinsam, der Soldat läßt sich nur allzu gerne von dem jungen Mädchen verführen und besucht sie heimlich.
Die beiden amüsieren sich, nur heiraten will er sie nicht, wie er ihr recht poetisch mitteilt.
Songs dieser Art sind in der Zeit entstanden, als Irland eigentlich ständig im Krieg war und viele Soldaten überall im Land verstreut waren.