The Necropants Songtext

Dead parts of men can bring you money,
Especially male corpses with intact skin.

The Nábrók: Necropants,
The death underwear,
One size will fit all.
Try them on to see,
Money flows like undead cum.

First you must get a living man's permission
To use his skin and scrotum post-mortem.

The Nábrók: Necropants,
The death underwear,
One size will fit all.
Try them on to see,
Money flows like undead cum.

The Nábrók: Necropants,
The death underwear,
One size will fit all.
Try them on to see,
Money flows like undead cum.
Silver in place of boy-batter.
Is that money in your crotch?
Or are you just happy to see me?

Flay the corpse in one piece from waist-down.
Exhume to "costume."
Step into these undead necropants.
Dead leg-flesh sticks your own flesh.
The necro-sac cups your balls.
Silver in place of boy-batter.
Money flows like undead cum.
But isn't it worth a funeral fortune?
Necropants become both a blessing and a curse.
Wearing them makes cash—but they feel so wrong.

The Nábrók: Necropants,
The death underwear,
One size will fit all.
Try them on to see,
Money flows like undead cum.