Don't Bring Lulu Songtext

{Don't bring Lulu}

Your presence is requested, wrote little Johnny White,

But with this invitation, there is a stipulation

When you attend this party, you'll all be treated right,

But there's a wild and wooly woman you boys can't invite

You can bring Pearl, she's a darn nice girl,

But don't bring Lulu!

You can bring Rose with the turned-up nose,

But don't bring Lulu!

Lulu always wants to do

What the folks don't want her to

When she struts her stuff around,

London bridge is falling down!

You can bring cake or a porterhouse steak,

But don't bring Lulu!

Lulu gets blue and goes cuckoo

Like the clock upon the shelf

She's the kind of smarty breaks up every party,

Hullabaloo loo, don't bring Lulu,

I'll bring her myself!

Last week we had a party, a real high-toned affair,

And then along came Lulu, wild as any Zulu

She started in to Charleston, and how the boys did stare,

But when she did the hula-hula, then she got the air

You can bring Flo, her dad's got dough

But don't bring Lulu!

You can bring Lil, she's an awful pill,

But don't bring Lulu!

Lulu has the reddest hair, auburn here and henna there

How can we boys keep our heads?

Bulls go wild when they see red

You can bring peas and crackers and cheese,

But don't bring Lulu!

When she gets sore and slams the door

The plates fly off the shelf

She can make a feller wild on sarsaperilla

Hullabaloo loo, don't bring Lulu,

She'll come here herself

You can bring ham and crackers and jam

But don't bring Lulu!

Lulu goes wild, and when she's wild

She climbs upon the shelf!

She can make a pastor be a dancing master

Hullabaloo-loo, don't bring Lulu,

I'll bring her myself!