Sally Eats Shoelaces, Straw And String Songtext

Sally eats shoelaces, straw and string
But she won't eat cole slaw or anything
Her mother says is good for her, she says she's had enough
Her father says, "to eat"; she says she stuffed

Sally eats cardboard, sticks and rocks
but she won't eat cream cheese or bagel and lox
They fed her shredded wheat; her lips shut tight
She's as weird as her appetite

She'll suck her thumb, she'll chew on her hair
But no chicken cordon beau, no chocolate eclair
She doesn't care for pears, macaroni and cheese
Oh, she won't try pie, potatoes or peas

I'm telling you children don't be like that
It's no way to weigh less, better to be fat
She eats like a bird--no more like a goat
And nothing good goes down her throat