Spiritual Tapestry Songtext

God wove the facts of history
Into a spiritual tapestry
He did it all to teach the ones who care
But before you see it you must believe in Him
Before you see it you must see it through His eyes

Three Days in the belly of a whale
Was Jesus in the grave.
God's prepared an ark
For those who trust Him and obey.

Israelites are the people of the Lord
Child you're Israel
Heaven's found by following
Refusing to is Hell

But before you see it you must seek it
Before you see it you must see it through His eyes

In the holy temple of your heart
A curtain bars the way
But when you give your heart to God
That curtain's torn away

Manna is the daily bread
That God daily provides
In the beginning out of darkness
Comes the light

But before you see it you must believe in Him
Before you see it you must see it through His eyes (Repeat)

Copyright 1987 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved