My Friend Songtext

My friend smokes camel cigerets
Done so since he was five or six
He said hes never gonna quit
Smokin those cameal cigerets

My friend he drinks a lot of beer
Give him 4 and he'll have no fear
Swinging his arms everywhere
My friend theres no fightin here

And if you ask him where he's goin
He'll say hes on his way
To a party and he just cant be late
He said I got to meet this girl there and she is on my mind
And we're gonna party all night, yeah

My friend he's called a dreamer
Party life big time dreamer
Hoppin one day at a time
He will stumble on the good life

My friend he tells some stories
Crazy ass umbeliveabal stories
I asked him once and he just go mad
He said just go and ask my dad

yeah, all night, yeah, all night, all night long