The Divine War Songtext

[Intro - The Amazing Journey ]


[Part II - The One]

In the times when no one decides
Someone must be the guide
Andreas is The One

Onwards battle they marched
Without hesitation
No, they can't repress the wild
At any cost they will fight

No one can stop us now
We won't give up, go...
Free our kind

Free us all !

[Part III - Divine War]

Dark ones at sight
Attack! take them for surprise

Humans outnumbered
Begin to fall
Dark ones united
They wont't survive without help

Far away, in the sky
Someone watches over us
Give us strength to carry on
To fight the evil one

...His journey is starting...

[Part IV - Confrontation]

The evil wizard approaches
The white one senses him too
Face to face they stand, holding glances
The long waited battle has begun...

But there was another, awaiting
The Dark one sitting on his throne
There the King of Humans went, to face him
Slaying his dark angels one by one...

[Part V - The Awakening]

...both, standing tall...
...Ohh, save us all...

I am the one who will free us all
Surrender now or die
I won't let evil control us no more

But Lucifer was strong
More than he ever thought
Andreas tasted his (own) blood
Lord help us all...

But a light awakened
Somewhere far away
A white force is rising
Hope for the King and his army was felt by all...hope for all

I am the one who will stop this joke
You'll never defeat us...No...
Don't expect mercy, traitors deserve nothing
Dark angels are superior
You will not live to know
You'll feel the thorn I felt when i was banished

The fallen King's demise
His Queen now lifeless lies
This evil is our curse
Lord help us all

But a light approaches
A familiar one
A white force is rising
Growing within Andreas' soul

Now in equal forces
The Dark One will go down
The King's heart senses
Protection, confidence, strength to overcome his foe

[Part VI - Force Within]

I found the light
Hid in the inner myself
Now no one will defeat us
I found the way
To be the best i can be, but,
how long will this force be mine?

I found the light
Hid in the inner myself
Now evil has seen it's end
I found the way
To be the best i can be
Now no one will keep us
From being free today

[Part VII - Power]

...His Journey has ended...

Now without Father
The Humankind shall reborn

But there is something
We won't control
The seed grows in us...
The wish for Power
Will be our curse
Don't let it win
It is our choice...

...our choice...

We begin
Our History
It's in our hands... Oh Oh Ohh...

(...and the cycle of Power would continue...forevermore...)