Dont You Ever Forget Songtext

don't you ever forget water fountains don't run in the midwest cuz a pipe would burst but that's far from the worst

cuz there's wars to come like a southern storm front

and don't you ever forget that the world has already ended for many it's gotten the worst in can get

and when your shit hits your fan there's that land locked land called the midwest

don't you ever forget this rust belt ain't your safety net

there's a bottomless pit with all our names on it and we're gonna get there we're gonna get there yet

don't you ever forget that cars don't stop in the midwest

so look both ways, avert your gaze, it's left right left right left

don't you ever forget that hope has already escaped so damn many and there' no gettin' back what got left

so when you stop seeing green like some magic smoke screen remember your dear old midwest