- Cool As A Cucumber Songtext
- Dancing For Drinks Songtext
- Demon 01 Songtext
- Donna Like Parasites Songtext
- Dusty Songtext
- Eggless Century Songtext
- Everything To Die For Songtext
- Ghost With A Peach Skin Songtext
- Ho Bao Daan (interlude) Songtext
- Hopefulness, Hopefulness Songtext
- Hotel Mini Soap Songtext
- In The Dot Ft. Pickle Darling Songtext
- Mother's Tongue Songtext
- Paw Paw Songtext
- Please Be Okay Ft. Miss Grit Songtext
- Rotten Bun Songtext
- Satan Marriage Songtext
- Sore Bear Songtext
- Sparky Songtext
- Speak Up, Sponge Songtext
- Talk To Death Songtext
- Telephone Congee I Songtext
- Telephone Congee II Songtext
- The Mould Songtext
- The Rules Of What An Earthling Can Be Songtext
- What's The Password Baby Bird? Songtext
- 扮豬食老虎 Songtext