This Is The Getdown Titelliste

    Klicken Sie auf einen Titel, um das Video des Songs sehen!
  1. An Introduction To The Party Politik
  2. You Can Kill A Revolutionary
  3. But You Can't Kill A Revolution
  4. Computers Talk
  5. Computers Rock
  6. Oh No
  7. Your Nose
  8. I Hope Your Pants Get You Into Heaven
  9. The Last Day Of John Brown
  10. But We Go To Church Every Sunday!
  11. Ants In Her Trance
  12. Buzz! Buzz! Party! Party!
  13. Kiss Vs. The Chubby Kid Army
  14. Mental Note: Next Time Try The Unicycle
  15. Suicidio Adolecente No Lo Haga!
  16. But You Can’t Kill A Revolution