The Lucky Ones
Brand New Day (target commercial song)
October: Written In The Stars
June: Good Days Start Here
- The Lucky Ones
- Brand New Day (target commercial song)
- October: Written In The Stars
- June: Good Days Start Here
- February: Smoking Gun
- Under Control
- The Good Life
- A Beautiful World
- September: Wonderful Life
- On Your Side
- World War
- August: Me & My Friends
- Magic
- April: It's My Life
- Momma's Boy
- March: Hills To Climb
- Remember When
- December: Somedays
- July: Life's Adventures
- May: That's When I Found
- December: Somedays
- November: The End
- October: Written In The Stars
- September: Wonderful Life
- August: Me & My Friends
- July: Life's Adventures
- June: Good Days Start Here
- May: That's When I Found
- April: It's My Life
The Year