- Bandmitglieder:
Jori Sjöroos, Mikko Ruotsalainen, Niko Skorpio,
Sami Kaveri
- Genre: Metal
- Yet the watchers guard
- Who Rides The Astral Wings
- Crying Blood And Crimson Snow
- The Unknown Kadath In The Cold Waste
- Yet the watchers guard
- Who Rides The Astral Wings
- Crying Blood And Crimson Snow
- The Unknown Kadath In The Cold Waste
- Evoken
- Elemental
- The twilight fade
- Everlasting
- Crying Blood And Crimson Snow
- Who Rides The Astral Wings
- The Unknown Kadath In The Cold Waste
- Everlasting
- The twilight fade
- Yet the watchers guard
- Evoken
- Elemental
Stream From The Heavens
(1994) -
Fhtagn-nagh Yog-sothoth - Demo