- 1969 Songtext
- About Love And Indifference Songtext
- Best Wishes Songtext
- Circle Songtext
- Colpa Mia Songtext
- Eroe Songtext
- He's A Prey Songtext
- In My Memory Songtext
- Johnny Songtext
- Just For A Bit Songtext
- L'Evoluzione Della Specie Songtext
- London Theatre Songtext
- Mistake Songtext
- Newton Songtext
- No Innocence Songtext
- Non Riesco A Muovermi Songtext
- On Our Hill Songtext
- Ormai Songtext
- Pindaro Songtext
- Post Atomic Dawn Songtext
- Qualcosa Resteraà Songtext
- Ruggine Songtext
- Stop It Songtext
- The Wrestler Songtext
- Vanità Songtext
- When Your Father Songtext