- Genre: Metal
- Interceptor
- Sertraline
- This Demon Mine
- It Takes A Wolf
- Interceptor
- Sertraline
- This Demon Mine
- It Takes A Wolf
- Relentless
- Sacrifices
- Identity
- Living Nightmare
- Endgame II
- Character Assassination
- Phoenix Tears
- Hindsight
- A Reprieve
- Fatalist Mantra
- Synesthete
- Endgame I
- The Hurt Plains
- The Voyeur
- Liar's League
- Liar's League
- Phoenix Tears
- Hindsight
- Synesthete
- This Demon Mine
- Endgame II
- Sertraline
- Endgame I
- The Hurt Plains
(2006) -
Character Assassination