- Addiction Songtext
- Addiction (bratislava) Songtext
- ambiantz Songtext
- Amnesia Songtext
- Amputate Songtext
- Anger Songtext
- Ashas Songtext
- Assimilate Songtext
- Assimilate (warsaw) Songtext
- Basement Songtext
- Blood On The Wall Songtext
- Blue Serge Songtext
- Brap Songtext
- Brownstone Songtext
- Cage Songtext
- Candle Songtext
- Cellar Heat Songtext
- Chainsaw Songtext
- Choralone Songtext
- Circustance Songtext
- Convulsion Songtext
- Cullorblind Songtext
- Cult Songtext
- Curcible Songtext
- DaddyuWarbash Songtext
- daL Songtext
- Dead Lines Songtext
- Dead Lines (bratislava) Songtext
- Death Songtext
- Deep Down Trauma Hounds Songtext
- Dig It Songtext
- Dogshit Songtext
- Dogshit (warsaw) Songtext
- Download Songtext
- dOwnsizer Songtext
- Draining Faces Songtext
- EmpTe Songtext
- Epilogue Songtext
- Far Too Frail Songtext
- Fascist Jockitch Songtext
- Film Songtext
- First Aid Songtext
- Fritter (Stella's Home) Songtext
- Funguss Songtext
- Gambatte Songtext
- Ghostman Songtext
- Glass Houses Songtext
- Glass Out Songtext
- Glowbel Songtext
- Goneja Songtext
- Grave Wisdom Songtext
- Hardset Head Songtext
- Harsh Stone White Songtext
- Hate Kill (warsaw) Songtext
- haZe Songtext
- Hexonxonx Songtext
- Hospital Waste Songtext
- Human Disease (S.K.U.M.M.) Songtext
- I'mmortal Songtext
- Icebreaker Songtext
- Icktums Songtext
- Illisit Songtext
- Incision Songtext
- Inquisition Songtext
- jaHer Songtext
- Janya Songtext
- Killing Game Songtext
- Knowhere? Songtext
- Last Call Songtext
- lestiduZ Songtext
- Love In Vein Songtext
- Lust Chance Songtext
- magnifishit Songtext
- Manwhole Songtext
- Mirror Saw Songtext
- Morpheus Laughing Songtext
- Morpheus Laughing (warsaw) Songtext
- Morter Songtext
- Natures Revenge Songtext
- Neuwerld Songtext
- Noisex Songtext
- Ovirt Songtext
- Paragun Songtext
- Past Present Songtext
- pasturN Songtext
- pedafly Songtext
- Plasicage Songtext
- Point Songtext
- politikiL Songtext
- Prelude (warsaw) Songtext
- Pro-test Songtext
- Process Songtext
- Punk In Park Zoo's Songtext
- Rain Songtext
- Rash Reflection Songtext
- Reclamation Songtext
- Rivers Songtext
- Riverzend Songtext
- Rodent Songtext
- Rodent (warsaw) Songtext
- Salvo Songtext
- Scrapyard Songtext
- Second Tooth Songtext
- Serpants Songtext
- Shadow Cast Songtext
- Shore Lined Poison Songtext
- Shore Lined Poison (budapest) Songtext
- Sleeping Beast Songtext
- Smothered Hope Songtext
- Social Deception Songtext
- Solvent Songtext
- Spahn Dirge Songtext
- Spasmolytic Songtext
- Stairs And Flowers Songtext
- State Aid Songtext
- Survivalisto Songtext
- T.F.W.O. Songtext
- Tear Or Beat Songtext
- Terminal Songtext
- Testure Songtext
- The Choke Songtext
- The Mourn Songtext
- The Second Opinion Songtext
- Tin Omen Songtext
- Tormentor Songtext
- Tsudanama Songtext
- Two Time Grime Songtext
- ugLi Songtext
- Use Less Songtext
- Village Songtext
- VX Gas Attack Songtext
- Vyrisus Songtext
- Wavy Songtext
- Who's Laughing Now? Songtext
- Worlock Songtext
- Worlock (hildesheim) Songtext
- Wornin Songtext
- Yes He Ran Songtext