- The Truth
- Tear Down The Power Lines
- Bones And Blenders
- Phone Is Ringing, Oh My God
- The Truth
- Tear Down The Power Lines
- Bones And Blenders
- Phone Is Ringing, Oh My God
- Color Between The Lines
- Panienka Panienka Idz Do Nieba Przynysh Mi Bochenka Chleba
- New Song #2
- 5, 6, 7, 8
- The Positvely Stupid Youth
- "tear Down The Power Lines"
- The End Of The World As I Know It
- Bury Your Head
- A New Anthem For The T-shirt Revolution
- Newest #3
- New Song #1(...to The Highest Bidder)
- Best Friends Forever
- And Stupid Is Better Than Spineless
- We Don't Write Songs We Write This
- You Elbow Me, I Elbow You
- Sorting Through The Static